Welcome! This is the documentation for NumPy 1.21.0.dev0+343.g098a3b417 , last updated 12月 30, 2020.
For users:
What is NumPy? Who uses it and why
Quickstart Aimed at domain experts or people migrating to NumPy
Absolute beginner's guide Start here for an overview of NumPy features and syntax
Tutorials Learn about concepts and submodules
How-tos How to do common tasks with NumPy
NumPy API reference Automatically generated reference documentation
Explanations In depth explanation of concepts, best practices and techniques
F2Py guide Documentation for the f2py module (Fortran extensions for Python)
Glossary List of the most important terms
For developers/contributors:
NumPy contributor guide Contributing to NumPy
Under-the-hood docs Specialized, in-depth documentation
Building and extending the documentation How to contribute to this documentation (user and API)
The numpydoc docstring guide How to write docstrings in the numpydoc format
Benchmarking benchmarking NumPy
NumPy Enhancement Proposals
Meta information:
Reporting bugs
Release notes
Document conventions
License of NumPy
Large parts of this manual originate from Travis E. Oliphant's book "Guide to NumPy" (which generously entered public domain in August 2008). The reference documentation for many of the functions are written by numerous contributors and developers of NumPy.
The preferred way to update the documentation is by submitting a pull request on GitHub (see the Documentation index). Please help us to further improve the NumPy documentation!